The crown fish are starting to host the elegant coral for about a week. It seems to irretate the coral a bit at start, but now the coral seems to get used to hosting the crown fish now.
View October 20, 2014 01:27
spend couple hours to remove GHA today. look like a lot better, but I am sure they will be back!
View September 27, 2014 23:36
Green Hair Algae again was the problem for last couple weeks. took out as much GHA last Friday night. with PO4 at 0.04, NO3 at 0.2, these GHA should not be a problem.....could it be some rocks still leaching out PO4 after one year? anyway, the battle continues.
View September 21, 2014 22:07
lost NLB this morning. perhaps due to starvation and ich. he was feeding well for about a week, but stop feeding during its last week life.
View August 15, 2014 12:02
lost one of the baby banggai cardinal fish to overflow and into the sock today. need to do something to prevent the fish from going into the overflow.
View August 7, 2014 20:29
YLNB continue his battle with ich. sure enough the white spots increase and decrease in cycle as expected, but his appetite also oscillate in cycle as well. sometime he will eat a lot and some other times he will not eat at all. Since YLNB does not appear to eat the pellets, the frozen Mysis are now always laced with Selcon, to increase the nutrition value.
View August 5, 2014 12:31
observe YLNB feeding Mysis from water column for the first time. also, the Mysis shrimp were laced with selcon for the first time.
still some ich found on him but number of ich observed does not seem to increase at moment.
View July 28, 2014 22:48
tonight, Ich shows up on Yellow Long nose butterfly. hopefully he will be strong enough to fight it.
View July 22, 2014 20:36
Install couple 3" fans for the canopy, to reduce the temperature and moisture inside the canopy.
View July 10, 2014 00:11
The PBT has finally succumbed to ICH and disappeared this morning. He was still eating like a pig yesterday, swimming and acting normally, but this morning he was no where to be found. All other fishes looked normal and fine.
View June 28, 2014 12:31