Used Aspatisia X to kill anenomes
Changed RODI filters and membrane
Triton water sample collected
April 11, 2017 20:40
Added kessil h380 light to refugium
Chemiclean treatment was very effective. All traces of cyano has disappeared. Vacuumed substrate and did a 20% water change.
February 13, 2017 10:03
Dosed Chemiclean to the tank for the cyano problem I'm experiencing. treated for 100g of water volume.
February 10, 2017 10:03
Some sps losing color. Think nitrate is low. Turning off skimmer for a few days to see if levels increase and color returns
December 20, 2016 20:19
Added two more lyretail anthias to the tank.. hoping one changes into a male and the red coloration...
December 5, 2016 11:19
Changed RODI filter system
November 25, 2016 18:55
Changed to salifert mg test kit
November 19, 2016 20:15