Noticed brownish marks on bottom of anal fin. May be due to fish hiding on top of filter plate. Will have to siphon the filter plate more often when water changing.
Probably due to the build up of mulm on plate.

Mr Snail is back, not worried about him at this moment as only snail I have seen in tank. Will monitor food to Betta very carefully to ensure not much excess being used by snail.

New food today.

Hikari Betta floating pellets. Fed some to Betta who seemed somewhat uninterested.

They don't seem to sink very quickly so will monitor to ensure all being eaten.

Less flaring the last day or so, think he has realised he is in there alone.

Still very active and using whole tank. Likes to hang out under what is left of the Frogbit.

Frogbit is definitely slowly dwindling to nothing. Only very small new leaves still around. Larger leaves are have mainly disintegrated and removed put to 6 from tank during water change today.

May have to look into fake floating plants.

Also considering chopping up the piece of driftwood in storage and getting some moss to attach for top of the tank to find more higher up hiding places for fish.

First water change with fish in and no adverse reactions. Fish fairly interested in me water changing. fairly spritely and no adverse reactions to me messing around in the tank.
