Came home from work and fed the fish. I found one of the fry swimming in the back. It seems to be doing well. The Cory cats came out to eat, and they seem happy with the new setup. Mama and papa Platy are looking great. Their fins are up and they seem to becoming less shy.

All in all the plants seem to be doing well. I nave two new leaves on the banana plant, and about a half inch growth on the Anacharis. The dwarf hairgrass has cleared up, and I'm hoping it's going to make it. I feel like I've abused it twice now since I've redone my tank.

The Co2 is running at about two bubbles per second, and my drop checker is nice and green. I NEED to get my timers straightened out so I can have the Co2 come on about an hour and a half before the light starts. After today I'm off for three days and should be able to get everything neatened up and the Ferts going in the right direction. I ordered a few pounds of ferts to complete my PPS Pro feeding schedule. Now I just have to wait until everything shows up so I can mix a batch.