It's funny today I saw the Neon Tetra (the one I think was eaten) but one of my Guppies dies. Today eats only bloodworms and tropical flakes. Well I bought two 10in bubble bar to create more aeration to keep adding mor oxygen to the tank but a get an issue with the movement of the water because the air pump was more powerful than the gallons of the fishtank. I went to the store to reemplace the 40 gal Air pump with another one for 20 gal. With that change is running better the bubbles movement of the fishtank. I bought the API Accu-Clear to eliminate the cloudy water caused for the movement of the ornaments at the moment to organize the air lines.At the moment the product act weird but the instructions tells this works on several hours. I notice few of the floating stuff (the big ones) disappear. I make a water test and seems the cycle is almost done, the Ammonia still very high but I’m going to make a water change after the cycle finish. Let’s see what happened next.