Reduced feeding and/or denitrification in the new Eheim "de-nitrater) is having an effect. No water change last week and the Nitrates have levelled off at 35 ppm. Nitrites are back to zero - hooray! After I lost two fish the other day I expected to see the Nitrites off the charts.

Somebody once said, "Fish die". I hope that is all it was. All the rest of the fish in the tank seem healthy.
View April 22, 2013 18:23
Found one Red glass Rosy Barb dead - female
View April 21, 2013 10:50
Discovered one Male Rosy Barb dead
View April 20, 2013 19:51
I still can't figure out what is going on with the Nitrites. They keep climing despite large water changes. But Ammonia remains at 0.

I've reduced feeding to once per day and it doesn't seem to make any difference. Just a little lower Nitrate this week.
View April 12, 2013 20:58
The fry I saw are gone. Saw some of the Tiger Barbs licking their chops!
View April 7, 2013 18:59
Discovered two fry in the tank today. I don't know if they are Mollies or have hatched from one of the Tiger Barbs. I assume they are Mollies but they are too small to determine their kind. I'm not sure yet how I will protect them.
View April 5, 2013 11:02
Set the timer to provide 12 hours of light per day.
View April 4, 2013 19:23
Will begin dosing FlorinAxis after water change tomorrow.
View April 4, 2013 19:23
Chose to use Seachem Denitrate as a substrate for de-nitrification in the new Eheim filter rather than the XPortNO3 product per recommendations from That Fish Place staff member.
View April 4, 2013 19:19
Will reduce feeding frequency in this aquarium to once per day based on advice from one of the staff at That Fish Place.
View April 4, 2013 19:18