Added 1 and 1/2 cup of Magnesium
Just signed up for trial use of aquatic log. Checking things out.
Did 10 gallon water change - removed some hair algae as I did this with a toothbrush taped to the end of siphon tube. Removed the media reactor with carbon and phosguard in it. Removed skimmer cup and turned down the bubbles.
Added 10, 200 mg pills of Flucanazole. Trying to get rid of hair algae problem.
Added 1/2 cup Calcium
Added 1/2 cup of Alkalinity
Added 3/4 cup of Magnesium
Added 3/4 cup of Magnesium
Added 1/2 cup of Calcium
Added 1/2 cup of Alkalinity
Added 3/4 cup of Magnesium
Added 3/4 cup of magnesium
Added 3/4 cup of magnesium
Added 1/2 cup of magnesium