January 2013
Changed 6.5 Gallons of water
Added Mondo Grass
Added Betta
Blue Marble OHM Betta. Ordered on Jan 18 from breeder in Thailand. Shipped Jan 22 to transshipper in Colorado. Will be picked up in person.
Measured Temperature at 77 F
Measured pH at 7.2 pH
Dosed 2 tsp of Aquarium Salt
Fed Bloodworms
Fed Top Fin Tropical Flakes
Added Ghost (Glass) Shrimp - Freshwater
PetsMart Aurora -- One is baring eggs.
Fed Top Fin Tropical Flakes
  • 4
  • 1
  • Fan... tas... tic. ONe day from the pet store and they're already spawning.
  • lenchantin
Measured Temperature at 78 F
Fed Bloodworms
One of the Rasboras is leading the other around the tank. She leads the other one under a leaf and flips herself over, which as I am lead to understand is a mating ritual. I think she is trying to spawn in the tank. What to do?
Fed Top Fin Fish Flakes
Measured Nitrate at 0.00 ppm
Fed Bloodworms
Measured Temperature at 76 F
Fish are much more active. They've been chasing each other around the tank and exploring more. Once in a while, they'll swim to the side of the tank closest to me to check out what I'm doing, and when I look, they dart off.I think they're happy and getting acclimatized to the tank.
Fed Top Fin Tropical Flakes
Dosed 30 ml of Microbe-Lift Special Blend
Microbes, nitrate removal
Dosed 10 ml of Microbe-Lift Nite-Out II
More bacteria, removal of ammonia and nitrites
Added the Rasboras to the tank. They were a little bit slow, and tended to stay in one area of tank, and didn't move around much. Tried to feed about half an hour after tank ingest, but they didn't go after flakes. One of them went after a bit of sinking flake, but the rest stayed put. Wondering if one of them might be ready to drop roe due to her shape.
Added Buddha decoration and fish
Gleaned outside glass
Diluted water and vinegar mix.
Measured pH at 7.6 pH
Measured Ammonia at 0.00 ppm
Measured Nitrite at 0.00 ppm
Installed Petsmart Thermometer
Installed Lord Buddha Decoration (Gray)
Added Harlequin Rasbora
Purchased at Petsmart Aurora (#1072) -- One looks a little bloated, but is active. Maybe she is preggers? Started with 4, added 2 more on the 27th of Jan.
Dosed 10 ml of Microbe-Lift Aquatic Stress Relief
De-chlorinator and protective conditioner
Filled tank and added substrate.
Added substrate, plants, filter, and heater.
Installed Tetra Whisper EX20 Power Filter (110 GPH)
Installed Tetra HT30 Submersible Heater 100 Watt (10-30 Gal)
Heater by Generic
Installed Aqueon 24" Single Tube Strip Light
Lighting by Aqueon
Installed Tetra Medium Filter
Installed Microbe-Lift Cycling & Water Conditioning Kit
Added Amazon Sword
PetCo Aurora
Added Marimo Moss Ball
Petsmart Aurora