October 2021
2-Part both empty, turned Dosers off
•Water Change
•Cleaned glass, inside and out
•Brought 15gal of RO, swapped jugs
•Dosed bacteria
•Turned Dosers off
•Wiped down lights
•Brought Phyto
Changed 20 Gallons of water
Dosed 50 ml of Special Blend
After water change
Dosed 0 ml of Ocean’s Blend Cal
Daily, turned off until next visit and test
Dosed 0 ml of Ocean’s Blend Alk
Daily, turned off until next visit and test
September 2021
Added Lawnmower Blenny
Added Clownfish
August 2021
Water Change, cleaned glass, inside and out. Brought 15gal of RO, swapped jugs. Stirred the sand and siphoned algae and bacteria off rocks. Tested and dosed. Swapped ATO for a Tunze Nano.
Dosed 60 ml of Special Blend
Dosed 3 ml of Ocean’s Blend Alk
Dosed 80 ml of Ocean’s Blend Alk
To balance Alk from 7.3dkh to 9.0dkh. 97ml required total. 17ml still needed. Daily increased
Measured Alkalinity at 7.3 dKH
Measured Temperature at 80.3 F
Measured pH at 8.4 pH
Measured Calcium at 430 ppm
Measured Salinity at 1.025 SG
Changed 20 Gallons of water
Installed Tunze Nano ATO
AutoTopOff by TUNZE
July 2021
I Owe $250 in fish 🤦🏼‍♂️😩😤 for the Naso and Blue Hippo
Dosed 9.5 ml of Ocean’s Blend Cal
Daily until Aug 7th. After, drop to 4ml daily
Dosed 80 ml of Ocean’s Blend Cal
To balance Cal from 405ppm to 430ppm. 200ml total required, 120ml still needed.
Dosed 2 ml of Ocean’s Blend Alk
Dosed 74.2 ml of Ocean’s Blend Alk
To balance Alk from 7.7dkh to 9.0dkh
Measured pH at 8.4 pH
Measured Alkalinity at 7.7 dKH
Measured Temperature at 82 F
Measured Calcium at 405 ppm
Measured Salinity at 1.025 SG
Fish are covered in something filmy and possibly ick. No sign of the recently added Hippo Tang. Naso was found dead last week.
Water Change, cleaned glass, inside and out. Brought 15gal of RO, swapped jugs. Stirred the sand and scrapped algae off rocks. Treated medicine and Reef Flux. Tested and dosed.
Changed 20 Gallons of water
Dosed 8 tabs of Reef Flux
Treatment for hair algae
Dosed 60 ml of Special Blend
Bacteria after water change
Dosed 20 ml of Maracyn Oxy
To treat fungus on fish
Installed ReefHD Reef Flux
Installed Fritz Maracyn Oxy
Installed Seachem Prime
Additive by Seachem
Installed Microbe-Lift Special Blend
February 9th Visit:

*Home Stage Three*
$350 Labor (Installing Equipment and water change)
$100 Circulation Pump #2
$200 Light #2
$20 Live Pods
$15 Live Phytoplankton
$10 Starfish
$35 Snails
$40 Shrimp
$130 Fish

SubTotal: $900
Johanna House
*Stage One*
$300 Labor (Initial Setup)
$90 Saltwater
$125 Live Sand
$300 Rock
$210 Auto Top-Off (With 2x Jugs)
$125 New Filter Media
$35 Cycling Chemicals
$60 Heater
SubTotal: $1,245

*Stage Two*
$250 Labor (Installing Equipment)
$100 Circulation Pump #1
$200 Rock
$200 Light #1
$40 Live Pods
$20 Live Phytoplankton
$25 Frozen Fish Food
$80 Fish
SubTotal: $915

*Stage Three*
$350 Labor (Installing Equipment and water change)
$100 Circulation Pump #2
$200 Light #2
$75 Screen Top
$40 Live Pods
$20 Live Phytoplankton
SubTotal: $785

*Stage Four*
$350 Labor (Installing Equipment and water change, adding livestock)
$300 Dosers
$100 Fish
$100 Inverts (Snails, shrimp, crabs)
SubTotal: $850

Total: $3,795

Routine Labor after complete will be the same as previously discussed for the home tanks cleaning: $110 labor plus purchases

*Stage One*
$300 Labor (Initial Setup)
$25 Water
$125 Live Substrate
$500 Rock/Plants/Wood/Decor
$125 New Filter Media
$35 Cycling Chemicals
$60 Heater
SubTotal: $1,170

*Stage Two*
$250 Labor (Installing Equipment)
$100 Circulation Pump
$210 Auto Top-Off (With 2x Jugs)
$100 Air Pump
$30 Fish
SubTotal: $690

*Stage Three*
$350 Labor (Installing Equipment and water change)
$200 Light #1
$30 Fish
SubTotal: $580

*Stage Four*
$350 Labor (Installing Equipment and water change, adding livestock)
$300 Dosers
$50 Fish
$50 Inverts (Snails and shrimp)
SubTotal: $750

Total: $3,190
June 2021
Routine + Delivery
Water Change, cleaned glass, inside and out. Brought 10gal of RO, swapped jugs. Swapped Phyto. Added new livestock. Tested and dosed. Installed and programmed second doser. Adjusted lights to come on an hour earlier
Fed Seaweed Sheets 1 sheet
Fed Reef Multi-Pack 1 cube
Dosed 1 ml of Ocean’s Blend Alk
Dosed 9.5 ml of Ocean’s Blend Cal
Daily until July 17th. After, drop to 2ml daily
Dosed 80 ml of Ocean’s Blend Cal
To balance Cal from 395ppm to 430ppm. Required 280ml total, 200ml still needed. Dosing with doser
Dosed 80 ml of Ocean’s Blend Alk
To balance Alk from 7.6dkh to 9.0dkh
Changed 20 Gallons of water
Measured Alkalinity at 7.6 dKH
Measured Temperature at 79.1 F
Measured pH at 8.2 pH
Measured Salinity at 1.025 SG
Measured Calcium at 395 ppm
Installed Ocean’s Blend Calcium
Installed Ocean’s Blend Alkalinity
Added Astrea Snails