February 9th Visit:
*Home Stage Three* $350 Labor (Installing Equipment and water change) $100 Circulation Pump #2 $200 Light #2 $20 Live Pods $15 Live Phytoplankton $10 Starfish $35 Snails $40 Shrimp $130 Fish
SubTotal: $900
3 years ago
Johanna House Salt: *Stage One* $300 Labor (Initial Setup) $90 Saltwater $125 Live Sand $300 Rock $210 Auto Top-Off (With 2x Jugs) $125 New Filter Media $35 Cycling Chemicals $60 Heater SubTotal: $1,245
*Stage Two* $250 Labor (Installing Equipment) $100 Circulation Pump #1 $200 Rock $200 Light #1 $40 Live Pods $20 Live Phytoplankton $25 Frozen Fish Food $80 Fish SubTotal: $915
*Stage Three* $350 Labor (Installing Equipment and water change) $100 Circulation Pump #2 $200 Light #2 $75 Screen Top $40 Live Pods $20 Live Phytoplankton SubTotal: $785
*Stage Four* $350 Labor (Installing Equipment and water change, adding livestock) $300 Dosers $100 Fish $100 Inverts (Snails, shrimp, crabs) SubTotal: $850
Total: $3,795
Routine Labor after complete will be the same as previously discussed for the home tanks cleaning: $110 labor plus purchases
Fresh: *Stage One* $300 Labor (Initial Setup) $25 Water $125 Live Substrate $500 Rock/Plants/Wood/Decor $125 New Filter Media $35 Cycling Chemicals $60 Heater SubTotal: $1,170
*Stage Two* $250 Labor (Installing Equipment) $100 Circulation Pump $210 Auto Top-Off (With 2x Jugs) $100 Air Pump $30 Fish SubTotal: $690
*Stage Three* $350 Labor (Installing Equipment and water change) $200 Light #1 $30 Fish SubTotal: $580
*Stage Four* $350 Labor (Installing Equipment and water change, adding livestock) $300 Dosers $50 Fish $50 Inverts (Snails and shrimp) SubTotal: $750
Total: $3,190
3 years ago