November 2024
Changed 10 Gallons of water
Light was found on upon arrival. Aquarium doing well despite missed appointment.
Synced with light to promote proper photo period.
Measured TDS at 221 ppm
Measured Nitrite at 0.00 ppm
Measured KH at 0.00 ppm
Measured Temperature at 78.5 F
Measured pH at 6.0 pH
Measured Nitrate at 30 ppm
October 2024
Looking through the door before anyone is at location, I can see that the aquarium lights are on. So they are not turning them off at night and most likely on 24/7.

Client is a no show. Prior arrangements were made, text message sent as a reminder on Monday. Route was rescheduled to suit new appointment time and could not wait for someone to be on site.
September 2024
Trimmed Plants
Changed 10 Gallons of water
Measured TDS at 201 ppm
Measured Nitrite at 2 ppm
Measured KH at 0.00 ppm
Measured Temperature at 78.1 F
Measured pH at 6.0 pH
Measured Nitrate at 5 ppm
The light doesn’t appear to be turned off every night. I was just informed the light was out for a week causing lots of die off.
Service is taking longer than expected due to evaporation. I may suggest service every 2 weeks.
August 2024
Measured KH at 75 ppm
Measured Temperature at 78 F
Measured pH at 6.5 pH
Measured TDS at 247 ppm
Measured Nitrate at 10 ppm
Measured Nitrite at 0.00 ppm
Changed 10 Gallons of water
Installed Hagen AquaClear
Filter by Hagen
Installed Fluval Aquasky
Lighting by Fluval
Installed Eheim Jager Heater
Heater by Eheim
Installed Eheim Automatic Feeder
Feeder by Eheim
Added Jungle Val
Added Dwarf Hair Grass
Added Freshwater Angelfish
Added Golden Harlequin Rasbora
Added Zebra Longfin Danio
Added Bristlenose Pleco
Added Japanese Trapdoor Snail
Added Ramshorn Snail
Added Nerite Snail
Added Gold Gourami