January 2015
Measured pH at 7.5 pH
Measured Nitrite at 0.00 ppm
Measured Nitrate at 0.00 ppm
Installed Boyd Chemi Pure Elite
Media by Boyd
Installed Red Sea T5 Pink
Bulb by Red Sea
Installed Red Sea T5 80W Actinic
Bulb by Red Sea
Installed Red Sea T5 80W 10000K
Bulb by Red Sea
Installed Red Sea Max 250 Standard
Aquarium by Red Sea
Installed Red Sea Max 250 Stock
Aquarium by Red Sea
Need to restock cleanup crew... Looking at Liveaquaria.com custom pack since my LFS went out of business. ??
Just got a skimmer body- need to buy the pump- looking online
Exploring auto dosing products- looking at Jaebo dp-4
Measured Temperature at 78.7 F
Fed Brine Shrimp 1 tbsp
Fed Marine Snow 2 caps
Fed Blood worms 1 tbsp
Fed New Era Marine Grazer 1 drop
Replaced ChemiPure Elite
Rinsed all sponges
Changed 10 Gallons of water
Dosed 12 ml of MicroBacter
Dosed 15 ml of Magnesium
Dosed 5 ml of Calcium
Dosed 15 ml of B-Ionic Calcium #2
Dosed 15 ml of B-Ionic Alkalinity #1
Installed Red Sea Reef Spec T5 Actinic
September 2013
Installed Red Sea Max 250
Aquarium by Red Sea
Installed Red Sea Max Heater
Heater by Generic