May 2015
Fed Cucumber 4 oz
Cleaned in and out.
Changed 15 Gallons of water
Measured Temperature at 82 F
Measured Nitrate at 120 ppm
Measured Nitrite at 0.05 ppm
Measured pH at 6.3 pH
Measured GH at 4 dH
Fed Cucumber 2 oz
Changed 15 Gallons of water
SAE are breeding! Somehow I manage getting 3 males and 3 females. All pairs laid and fertilized eggs today within one and a half hours.
The breedings were proceeded by a 7 day -4- times a day Tetra flakes feeding and the last two days a 48 hour binge on par boiled cucumber slices.
Really amazing watching the almost loving pair interactions and love the way the female (I suppose) guards the nest.
I really hope there is more to come...

Looks like the thing is a bust. No tiny little fish.
Measured Nitrate at 160 ppm
Measured GH at 30 dH
Measured Nitrite at 0.10 ppm
Measured pH at 6.5 pH
Measured Temperature at 82 F
Measured Temperature at 82 F
Installed ?
Installed Aqueon 300 vv att heater
Heater by Generic
Installed Marineland Perfecto Oak 75 gallon
Aquarium by Marineland
Installed Marineland Perfecto 48" Oak Stand
Aquarium by Marineland
Installed Marineland Emperor 400
Filter by Marineland
Added Siamese Algae Eater
Added Glowlight Tetra
Added Bloodfin Tetra
Added Black Neon Tetra
Added Orange Von Rio Flame Tetra
Added Lloydiella Gold