African clown wrasse MIA - levels ok, nothing to indicate dead. Other fish (blue tangs and foxface) seem stressed. Tangs hiding and foxface scratched up both sides - worst I've ever seen. No signs of parasites on any fish
Frag rack was extended and new frags put in yesterday-that's the only change
November 25, 2014 17:24
Added Deltec MCE600 skimmer. Fingers crossed.
Removed air bubbler
October 22, 2014 21:26
Added Deltec MCE600 skimmer. Fingers crossed.
Removed air bubbler
October 22, 2014 21:26
Large airstone installed with 150lpm pump to see if PH improves.
Removed bailing polyps from second coral by hand. It seems to have stopped the spread to other branches of the hammer.
Hammer corals bailing pollyps. No brown slime. No idea why. Levels are good.
Phosphate up to 0.16ppm but everything else near perfect.
Cleaned both filters and replaced rowacarbon and rowaphos in reactors
March 28, 2014 02:00
Added two angel fish, fighting at first - but the next morning not bothered by each other.
Dwarf flame angel
Dwarf coral beauty
January 10, 2014 22:10
Discovered calcium Hanna checker was wrong. Got 369ppm, then used a new box of reagent and got 415ppm.
Reagent was not expired - still had 11months.
January 10, 2014 22:09
Built and Installed DIY Thermostat
April 23, 2013 17:00