Added about 30lbs of special grade reef aragonite where i had siphoned the sand out. Looks much better, doesnt blow around
February 12, 2015 20:38
Siphoned out the right 1/3 of the sand to bare bottom. Added 20 lbs of Marco Key largo shelf rock and removed some old boulders
February 11, 2015 22:22
After much debate and research. I've decided the Radion LED's are not going to give my SPS the light they need. They just don't have the full spectrum and coverage. They are growing and coloring up, however, I don't think its quite right. I would need to add at least 3 more radion's to get full coverage over my tank. Going back to MH and T5, the best light I ever had over my tank. Now I just need to figure out the heat issue !
February 7, 2015 12:54
water mixing station completely plumbed now
January 21, 2015 21:23
Took my calcium reactor off line tonight. Going to try to run kalk only for now. I have virtually no corals, so my usage is very minimal at this point.
January 21, 2015 21:21
Put my auto top off back online with rodi. Put my kalk on a timer for short bursts at night only. .5 gallons with kalk. It was raising my levels to high. Tank not consuming enough at this point to run all of my top off through kalk stirrer.
January 21, 2015 08:51
set up my k1 kalk stirrer to start using Kalk in my ATO
January 15, 2015 21:52
almost done with my saltwater mixing station. Just waiting for the last bulkheads to come in to button it up
January 13, 2015 22:28
One of the chemicals worked, phosphates are now 0! Nitrates dropped a little
January 1, 2015 19:08
added seachem denitrater and purgin to my sump to help with nitrates. also changed my carbon and mixed 1/2 carbon and half phosphate remover
December 31, 2014 19:07