- 40ml vertex ROX carbon 40ml Rowaphos mixed.
- put 3 pod hotels in DT
- dosing reduction appears to have worked for stability. Will check levels tonight and monitor.
December 3, 2013 11:54
Looks like precipitation issues again. Lowered dosing by 2ml/g or -16sec to 2min 47sec.
Should negate the past 2 increases in dosing and reduce dosing to below problematic level. Monitor again tomorrow.
November 25, 2013 20:43
- Increased dosing by 0.5ml/gal to 2min 47sec
November 24, 2013 18:59
- Alk dropping. Too much rowaphos? reduced to 40ml mixed with 50ml ROX carbon.
- Increased dosing by 0.5ml/gal.
November 24, 2013 12:18
-3/4 cup GAC
-75ml RowaPhos. Have been changing every week. Noticeable improvement in coral colour and algae reduction
-dino bloom in sump last week. Removed sand bed and blacked out lights for 4 days. Only returned fuge light after one week. Filter floss in place to catch debris.
- added overhead to frag section of sump to increase flow. Seems good. Copepods and amphipods taking over sump.
-mandarin goby eating frozen food. Feeding a mixture of mysis,brine and cyclopeze 2x per day approx 10cc per feeding. (Roughly one cube for food/day).
-mandarin goby ate bloodworms today. Comes to feeding tube at feeding time. Recognizes it as food source.
November 11, 2013 22:06
1/2 cube reef mush too much. Try 1/4 next time.
-added pod hotels to sump
-put 1 pod hotel at back of DT
- mandarin very finicky and too skinny
October 28, 2013 21:12
Topped up 2 part containers with fresh mix
October 23, 2013 20:54
- Buried anemone in upright position
- glues the vermited? snail in the candycane coral that was bothering the stags
- Changed Carbon 8Tbsp
- ADDED RowaPhos 20ml (1/2 recommended dose to start and increase weekly)
- Removed filter floss for copepod and amphipod travel
- Made new Ca and Alk mix
- Moved brain coral to less flow as it is not happy.
October 20, 2013 15:00
Return pump seized Saturday night!!! Argh!! After a vinegar bath and a good scrubbing its back online but I have to check my parameters now as it was down for about 10hrs.
October 20, 2013 09:00
- Spot fed Acans and Brain coral
- Brain coral ate for 1st time!
October 16, 2013 20:44