Took the reactor offline Today. Gonna see if My nutrients stay good with the Chaeto and Calerpa in the sump going wild as a result of dosing Iron and perhaps Potassium. I couldn’t believe how the macro algae took off after started dosing. I’m gonna see if this can be My new nutrient transport as Macroalgae also removes heavy metals and other nasties, whereas GFO only phosphates. I am going to run carbon part time as needed. Maybe the Zoanthids will open up more, don’t know.
View November 26, 2019 01:55
Dosed 1,100.00 mg FLUCONAZOLE Today. I don’t have excess nutrients but have a few patches of hair and some evidence of Bryopsis coming back. Not bad just a strand on a couple of items.
View November 26, 2019 01:54
I may have found the problem with the zoanthids, the colt corals, and the cocoa worm closures.
Today I observed the cocoa worm coming out to eat. Then, for no reason, popped back in again. This happened twice. Then I thought, stray voltage. I cleaned the crud off the titanium grounding rod in the sump. This seems to have worked. The crud was letting a capacitance build up and the potential difference overcame the insulative properties of the gunk and discharged a static spark. That is My theory. Anyway, the zoanthids seem to be opening more already, too. We will see.
View September 1, 2019 17:51
My zoanthids are not opening. I am running carbon and filter for heavy metals. I also got the idea to run protein skimmer part time instead of 24/7 from a YouTube video. This may increase nutrients to detectable levels which is My wish. I run a co2 scrubber so will run at night to even out ph swings. I will try a 14 hour on period and 10 off and see what happens.
View August 31, 2019 03:59
I lost both harlequin shrimps to the powerheads not having the foam sleeves installed.
Tuan told me it wasn’t needed. I beg to differ now
View August 8, 2019 00:48
MynFriend, Tuan Mai leant Me his two harlequin shrimp which eat starfish and only starfish. My zoanthids are being harassed or extended by asterina stars. I’m hoping this will help.
View July 24, 2019 02:06
Dosed another Full strength of FLUCONAZOLE, this Evening. Approx. 1100.00 mg. We are 11 Days into this 21 Day treatment and I have noticed significant results so far. Fish and corals seem happy.
View May 28, 2019 03:01
Bryopsis is back. Turns out I didn’t go long enough with the treatment of Fluconazole. I went 14 Days but everyone is telling me 21 is more like it. I turned off skimmer and reactor. I’ve been told by a few GFO is ok, skimming is ok (after 24 hours when fully dissolved) but carbon is not, so that’s good news as I can carbon dose and keep nitrates low, I can feed my corals, and run phosphate control as well. I overdosed a bit this time.
View May 17, 2019 03:54
CYANOBACTERIA OUTBREAK. Day 3 and it is 95 percent gone. As per a YouTube video, I redosed today and won’t skim medicine out until it’s cleared up completely. Turned off skimmer because of misting and salt creep. No difference in fish breathing, but Scooter Benny panting a lot, even b4 turning off skimmer, but is eating. No other abnormalities as far as I can see. There is brown jelly disease on frogspawn colony. Down to 2 heads. Cut off bad heads, peroxide and iodine dipped for 3 minutes. We will see
View April 14, 2019 22:25
Cyano bacteria outbreak, green and red. Added RED SLIME STAIN REMOVER from Ultra life reef products. Running skimmer w/out cup for air stone. Supposed to work in 48 hours.
View April 11, 2019 21:37