This is my first attempt at a planted aquarium, so I began with a 20 gallon long tank and easy to grow plants. I added DIY CO2 (citric acid and baking soda) at approximately 1 bubble per second, and most of the plants seem to be growing in quite well. I have three 100w CFL bulbs with reflector hoods for lighting.
I am using three 300w CFL bulbs and reflector hoods.
At this time I have one Chinese Algae Eater and three Cherry Shrimp.
- Chinese Algae Eater / Gyrinocheilos aymonieri
I am dosing the tank with 2.0 mL of Excel per day and 1.2 mL of Flourish 2 times per week.
- Red Cherry Shrimp / Neocaridina heteropoda