08 - food stock tanks

- 10 feed tank for daphnia, rotophers, cyclops, etc - 2x 20g long for daphnia, pods - several 1g glass jugs for algae growth - brine shrimp hathery. - any other live food bins, jugs, containers

For Sale


this is for the various tanks, jugs, bottles, and bins used to culture food for hatching and raising fry.
Microworm Culture Thumbnail
  • 0
  • 0
  • Microworm Culture / Panagrellus redivivus


8 Invertebrate

3 Brine Shrimp Hatchlings Artemia salina
Daphnia Sp. Daphnia sp
Grindal Worm Culture Enchytraeus buchholzi
Microworm Culture Panagrellus redivivus
Scuds Hyalella azteca
vinegar eel - porradge cultures Turbatrix aceti

3 Plant

2 Amazon Frogbit Limnobium laevigatum
Greenwater Culture Raphidocelis subcapitata


custom controller

Feeding See more

Fed algae 1 cup

On average you perform a 50% water change every 27 days.

0% total water change in 2024-12-03T01:37:36.653377Z[GMT].

0 activities in the last year

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Inspiration & Goals

- 1 divided and heavily modified 10g tank - provides 2x 3-4 gallon sections for culturing daphnia and cyclops/or seed shrimp/or small daphnia/or rotophers/or marine copepods.

- 2x 1G jugs for culturing greenwater

- 2x 1G jugs for culturing marine phyto

- 4x 1/2G jars for marine copepods

- 3x 2L bottles in brine shrimp hatchery

- 2x 2.5G buckets for marine copepods/amphipods/rotophers

- 1x 5G tank for raising adult brine shrimp/ long term brine shrimp culture
Daphnia Sp. Thumbnail
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  • Daphnia Sp. / Daphnia sp