Some orange brown hair looking algae has been growing on the plants and rocks since the 1st. The snails seem to be taking care of it though. I added the heater but it made the tank way too hot (78 and rising). With plastic wrap covering the tank (so cats can't drink) and lights on, the tank stays around 70F. Plants seem to be doing well. especially the rotundifolia which are turning reddish at the top near the light and growing very quickly. They are also rooting and one even has a new shoot coming out of it. snails seem happy and are becoming more active (probably from an increase in algae.)

Water change was done after the testing.
View January 10, 2021 19:14
This tank was set up on January 2,
2015 around 10PM

• 2" Caribsea Eco-complete as gravel
• Tap water treated with stress coat
• Planted with anubias barteri and cryptocoryne wendtii
• Top Fin power filter 10 with charcoal insert and sponge that has been sitting in Fritz's tank.
• Dinky little 2.5" LED light
View January 3, 2015 10:20