Big water change, gravel vacuum, filter rinse, and general cleaning. Green hair algae had been getting away from me, so I spot treated several areas with H2O2 and scrubbed a bunch. Hopefully the red root floaters will bounce back. They kept getting submerged due to algae growth and getting snagged on Java Moss. Gave the tank a dose of Seachem flourish excel and plant fertilizer. Will keep gassing it with excel for awhile, and probably do another filter rinse and gravel vac soon.
August 10, 2021 19:49
I can count at least seven individual red cherry shrimp, and the Amano shrimp are still going strong. I’m going to try more frequent water changes, and less frequent dosing of fertilizers and Excel, and we’ll see what kind of results that gets me.
Two juvenile shrimp out and about! Thank goodness, because I’d recently lost two adults. 5 individuals visible in total. I think the big female is berried again, but she’s pretty good at hiding the eggs from view.I also recently moved the ember tetras to the big tank, and added three more celestial pearl Danios.
I saw at least one (maybe two) juvenile shrimp when I was cleaning the Java Moss! Hopefully I didn’t vacuum it up when I was cleaning the gravel today. Fingers crossed!!! None of the adults have any signs of eggs (I did end up salt water treating all of them...), so I’ll have to wait for the next cycle for more babies.
March 17, 2019 08:38
I’ll be interested to see if there are any baby red cherry shrimp spotted in the next few days. The largest female isn’t carrying eggs any longer, so I’m hopeful. In any case, this entry can be a little bit of a bookmark, so that I can gauge went to possibly expect another batch of baby shrimp. If in a couple of days I don’t see evidence of any of the shrimp being berried, I may take all 6 out and give them a saltwater dunk.
February 24, 2019 06:24
Noted one of the RCS has what appears to be Scutariella japonica on its rostrum. Pulled it out and dunked it for 30 sec in a 1 tbsb/1 cup tank water bath. I'm also going to remove any molts I see. I may try to scoop up several of the non-berried shrimp and dunk them all at once over the next day or two.Ref:
February 24, 2019 06:19
It’s amazing how little this tank has changed lately. There are currently eight baby guppies growing out in here. I moved six to the big tank recently because nitrates were trending up. I’m still waiting for the cherry shrimp to start breeding again. The two original Cory catfish are doing well, but the violet one jumped out and died a few days ago.
October 2, 2018 20:00
OK maybe I won’t give up on the black racer snail after all. I had him out of the water for a few minutes and he closed up, so I guess he’s not completely dead. Back in the hospital box he goes...
September 6, 2018 09:04
I’m giving up on the black nerite. He hasn’t moved at all since I put him in this tank, I haven’t even seen his feelers out. He’s not stinky yet, but I don’t want an ammonia spike to take out my other critters.
In other news, there are at least 10 baby guppies in the tank now, so mama guppy can go back to the store at some point.
September 6, 2018 08:35
I moved the black racer nerite over to a breeder box in this tank. He has a piece missing out of his shell. I'm hoping he'll be able to calcify the exposed area and survive.
My yellow female looks like she's ready to pop any second...
September 3, 2018 22:51