Re joined my 3ft tank to the system again. Going to either use as a frag tank or a refugium.
February 2, 2013 02:32
JNS reactor outlet flowing straight into the Skimz SK252 now, was using a dedicated pump for this before. This way is starting to work allot better than before and saving energy to boot.
December 24, 2012 03:56
Changed Bio Pallet reactor to JNS from vertex. New reactor tumbles pellets lots better than the vertex.
December 24, 2012 03:55
Did major clean on sump and skimmer, removed all live rock from sump. Going clean sump or a big maybe of miracle mud.
December 22, 2012 05:58
Started converting the 3ft tank that is joined to the big tank into a big refugium.
August 5, 2012 08:45
Added a couple SPS today.
Added a couple SPS today.
Added a couple SPS today.
Added a couple SPS today.
Added a few things today.
5x hermit crabs
4x Trocus snails
1x Stromb snail
1x Scribled rabbitfish
1x Blue streak cleaner wrasse
Also a couple corals,
1x scrolling monty (not the best colour)
1x encrusting monty (bought brown and is colouring up nicely purple/pink atm.
1x Green acro (aspargen... ?)
1x Yellow/green milli
1x Birds nst (bought brown was a pink)