Only have a couple of sea urchins and some live rock left to get rid of and the tank can then be broken down.
April 16, 2015 04:41
Final entry for this tank.
All corals and fish moved or returned to shop and just need to lure all the nassaras snails out and into new tank.
April 14, 2015 09:00
Starting dosing microbacter 7 (30mL PER DAY)
Hard to say this month as things are being removed as part of the breakdown and move to new tank.
Need to order alkalinity and calcium in. check test kits and order.
Have stopped the biopellets due to skimmer being removed.
This tank is nearing its end and will be running on chaeto and the DSB till it is no more.
Took 2 fish back to the store (Sohal and Wattanabi) Moved clowns and yellow tang over to holding tank.
removed some live rock to the new tank and put all live rock from the sump into the main tank.
PH probe should ship tomorrow
tank is doing great with new sps in and I have stopped dosing calc and will monitor daily to see what it needs
March 22, 2015 13:33
Algae has been growing madly since installing the new led fuge lights.I have for the first time ever removed a large amount to make way for new growth, I am going to make it a monthly reminder.
after a pain in the arse with the wires in the back fo the profilux I unplugged my ph probe. It now will not calibrate correctly so have tested fluids and am now buying a new probe. better work!
On a brighter note many sps corals are growing well. Nitrates are holding steasy at around 7 ppm. phosphates are either 0 as reads on salifert or fluctuating daily in the low ranges based on the hanna checker.
Sand bed has never been whiter and cleaner and I have a very good proactive routine going with this aquatic log.
Another big plus is that meat is no longer coming out of the pipes any more! Have checked this over 2 days.
This should help the nitrates further!
March 19, 2015 20:25
All parameters within the good ranges. I still need to test the dosing pumps for accuracy on the cal and alk.
March 17, 2015 09:57