Cleaned skimmer cup, a little detritus from the sump bubble trap.
Noticed after my water change my solar fairy wrasse looked dead. Put in sump
Added green mandarin fish male
Added octospawn green frogspawn
April 14, 2017 21:18
Added another 5 tablespoons of biopellets to the reactor. Going to keep it at this level approximately 80 gallons worth.
03/25/2017. Started Biopellets, using 7 tablespoons of biopellets to start.
March 29, 2017 13:24
Updated the amount dosed per day
Calcium-80ml a day 40ml at 5:00am and 40ml at 9:00am
Alkalinity-10ml at 6:00am
Magnesium-5ml at 9:00pm
March 23, 2017 19:28
Cleaned skimmer, GFO reactor (changed media), new carbon and phosphate remover. Performed 30 gallon water change and added a solar fairy wrasse
March 18, 2017 22:58
Today marks 1-year with the tank. Had a few ups and downs throughout the year but we made it this far and not stopping now! Cheers!
March 18, 2017 22:57
Cleaned skimmer and changed out GFO
January 23, 2017 08:12
Cleaned out skimmer. Had a lot of waste. Going to keep skimmer at same level for two weeks to see how much skimmate it pulls out from today. 12/06/2016
November 22, 2016 20:33
Changed reactors to phosban 150, getting better GFO tumble now
October 29, 2016 22:56
Went back to grow light, added cheato back to sump with caulerpa
October 26, 2016 20:50