July 2014
Installed Teco Cooling Fan e-Chill
Chiller by Teco
June 2014
Seguimos sacando rocas del tanque para la ampliación.
Cleaned Bubble Magus Filter Sock
Dosed 3 drops of ZEOvit ZEOBak
Dosed 3 drops of ZEOvit ZEOBak
Limpiamos el Skimmer para ver sí mejora el skimmado
El skimmer no está exportando y los nitratos aumentan hasta 20
Measured Temperature at 26.4 C
Measured Salinity at 1.025 SG
Measured Alkalinity at 7.0 dKH
Measured Nitrate at 20 ppm
Dosed 1 vial of Easy Reef Gel
Dosed 9 drops of Rainbow Polyper
Dosed 3 drops of ZEOvit Coral Vitalizer
Dosed 3 drops of ZEOvit Amino Acid Concentrate
Dosed 3 drops of Rainmbow Aminovit
Dosed 15 ml of OceanlifeBoro
Dosed 3 g of Rainbow I Color Pro
Dosed 1 tsp of ZEOvit ZEOzym
Dosed 3 drops of ZEOvit ZEOBak
Dosed 3 drops of Sera Iodine 7
Dosed 9 drops of Rainbow Iron II Color Pro
Dosed 1 vial of Easy Reef Gel
Dosed 10 ml of Oceanlife Estroncio
Dosed 10 ml of Oceanlife Estroncio
Dosed 10 ml of Oceanlife Estroncio
Dosed 1 g of Rainbow Proteovit
Dosed 1 g of Rainbow Proteovit
Dosed 3 drops of ZEOvit ZEOfood 7
Dosed 3 ml of ZEOvit Coral Snow
Dosed 10 ml of Oceanlife Estroncio
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Dosed 9 drops of Rainbow Polyper
Changed 50 Liters of water
Dosed 1 vial of Prodibio Reef_Booster
Dosed 1 g of Rainbow Proteovit
Dosed 9 drops of Rainbow Polyper
Dosed 9 drops of Rainbow Iron II Color Pro
Dosed 3 drops of Sera Iodine 7
Dosed 3 g of Rainbow I Color Pro
Dosed 3 drops of ZEOvit ZEOfood 7
Dosed 1 vial of Prodibio Reef_Booster
Dosed 10 ml of Oceanlife Estroncio
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Cleaned Limpieza de Sump y Skimmer
Changed 50 Liters of water
Dosed 9 drops of Rainbow Polyper
Dosed 3 drops of Rainmbow Aminovit
Dosed 9 drops of Rainbow Iron II Color Pro
Dosed 1 vial of Prodibio BioDigest
Dosed 3 drops of Sera Iodine 7
Dosed 3 g of Rainbow I Color Pro
Replaced Resinas Fosfatos
Replaced Carbón Activo
Cleaned Bubble Magus Filter Sock
Replaced Seachem Purigen
Dosed 3 ml of ZEOvit Coral Snow
Dosed 3 drops of ZEOvit ZEOBak
Replaced Zeolitas
Measured Alkalinity at 10.0 dKH