Hi, I'm from Barcelona, Spain.
ReefAquarist since 2003.
In my 270L. mix reef tank, LPS and SPS are predominated.
My objectives : to have a nice, very clean tank and coloreds corals !
- Ocellaris Clownfish / Amphiprion ocellaris
La iluminación esta compuesta de 2 lámparas de led Ghl Mitras 6100 hv y 4 tubos t5 Ati (3 BLUE PLUS Y UN PURPLE). Un total de 12 horas Led y 5 de ellas con t5.
- Starry Blenny / Salarias ramosus
Flow is achieved with 2 EcoTech MP40w & MP10W on the opposite sides of the reef. These are controlled via my GHL Profilux controller and run multiple programs throughout the day.
- Leaf Plate Montipora Pink / Montipora capricornis
I check Alkalinity once or twice a week. Phosphates and Nitrates are checked every 1-2 weeks. The rest are checked once or twice a month.
Originally I was targeting Alkalinity at 12 dKh, but lately I've been trying to decrease it to 8-9 dKh range.
My Salinity, Temperature, pH and ORP are hooked up to my Profilux controller.
- Symphyllia / Symphyllia sp
Dosing See more
ZEOvit ZEOBak 3 drops
ZEOvit ZEOBak 3 drops
Easy Reef Gel 1 vial
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
ZEOvit Coral Vitalizer 3 drops
ZEOvit Amino Acid Concentrate 3 drops
Rainmbow Aminovit 3 drops
OceanlifeBoro 15 ml
Rainbow I Color Pro 3 g
ZEOvit ZEOzym 1 tsp
ZEOvit ZEOBak 3 drops
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Easy Reef Gel 1 vial
Oceanlife Estroncio 10 ml
Oceanlife Estroncio 10 ml
Oceanlife Estroncio 10 ml
Rainbow Proteovit 1 g
Rainbow Proteovit 1 g
ZEOvit ZEOfood 7 3 drops
ZEOvit Coral Snow 3 ml
Oceanlife Estroncio 10 ml
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Prodibio Reef_Booster 1 vial
Rainbow Proteovit 1 g
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Rainbow I Color Pro 3 g
ZEOvit ZEOfood 7 3 drops
Prodibio Reef_Booster 1 vial
Oceanlife Estroncio 10 ml
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Rainmbow Aminovit 3 drops
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Prodibio BioDigest 1 vial
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Rainbow I Color Pro 3 g
ZEOvit Coral Snow 3 ml
ZEOvit ZEOBak 3 drops
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Rainmbow Aminovit 3 drops
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Rainbow I Color Pro 3 g
Rainbow I Color Pro 3 g
Easy Reef Gel 1 vial
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Rainmbow Aminovit 3 drops
Rainbow Proteovit 1 g
ZEOvit ZEOzym 1 tsp
ZEOvit Bio-mate 3 drops
ZEOvit Coral Snow 3 ml
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Rainbow Proteovit 1 g
Rainbow I Color Pro 3 g
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
OceanlifeBoro 15 ml
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Rainmbow Aminovit 3 drops
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Oceanlife Estroncio 10 ml
ZEOvit Coral Snow 3 ml
ZEOvit ZEOBak 3 drops
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Easy Reef Gel 1 vial
Rainbow I Color Pro 3 g
ZEOvit ZEOBak 3 drops
Rainbow Proteovit 1 g
Rainmbow Aminovit 3 drops
Easy Reef Gel 1 vial
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Rainbow I Color Pro 3 g
Oceanlife Estroncio 10 ml
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Rainmbow Aminovit 3 drops
Rainbow Polyper 9 drops
Rainbow Proteovit 1 g
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Rainbow I Color Pro 3 g
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Oceanlife Estroncio 10 ml
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
ZEOvit ZEOBak 3 drops
ZEOvit ZEOzym 1 tsp
Rainbow Iron II Color Pro 9 drops
Sera Iodine 7 3 drops
Auto Dosing
20 ml
Blue Rainmbow
3.3 ml every 4 hours
6 ml
Element Mix QFI
3 ml every 12 hours
Mantengo calcio, magnesio y alcalinidad con un reactor de calcio, y utilizo un sistema bajo en nutrientes mixto entre Zeovit y Rainbow.
- Two Spot Goby / Signigobius biocellatus
Feeding See more
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Fed Artemia congelada 1 cap
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Fed Artemia congelada 1 cap
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Fed Artemia congelada 1 cap
Fed Artemia congelada 1 cap
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Fed Artemia congelada 1 cap
Fed Artemia congelada 1 cap
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Fed Artemia congelada 1 cap
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Fed Artemia congelada 1 cap
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Fed Artemia congelada 1 cap
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis 1 cup
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis 1 cup
Fed Ocean Nutrition Mysis
Fed Artemia congelada 1 cap