November 2023
2022-06-22 - 6 stems, gift from Odyssey pets after frag swap. (moved from 02 - planted tank)
Added Blue Mickey Mouse Platy
2023-07-15 - picked up at TAKO auction
2023-10-10 - at least one fry has been spotted
2023-11-28 - 3 fish left, no longer attempting to breed, moved to top 20g display tank. (moved from 13 - Guppy Rack)
Added Kribensis Cichlid
2023-04-29 - purchased a pair of kribs on bus tour. placed in 5g tank (moved from 06 - Fry nook tanks) (moved from 13 - Guppy Rack)
October 2023
Added Axolotl - fry
2023-10-13 - Monster is laying eggs! first batch from Monster\Tooth incoming.
2023-10-17 - Angel is now laying eggs. monster has finished - most of her eggs were moved to 10g for hatching.
2023-10-23 - most of monsters eggs have hatched at 10 days. no idea how many right now - 30+. angels eggs were moved to 2nd 10g tank, almost ready for hatching.
2023-10-25 - most of angels eggs have hatched at 8 days, probably about 20 to 30
2023-11-28 - 3 of monsters young grew to be monsters and ate many of the others. they have been moved to the 20 long. about 10 of monsters other fry remain (at less than half the size of the 3) - about 20 of Angels fry remain, mostly a similar size.
Added Jewel Cichlid
2022-07-15 - acquired a free male jewel with tank purchase.
2022-09-15 - traded Emily at Chic aquatics for a nice adult female Jewel. should have a pair now.
November 2022
Cleaned algae - spot treat with 10ml H2O2
Added Japanese Blue endlers
2022-11-18 - picked up 5 Japanese blue endlers (2 male, 3 female) - put in refuge above the Oscar tank.
September 2022
Added Dwarf African Clawed Frog - tadpoles
2022-06-24 - spotted tadpoles in with dwarf frogs yesterday - scooped out 4 today and placed in fry tray.
- tadpoles of H. boettgeri average a mere 2.5 mm in length, have a slim build, out-sized eyes and fully-pigmented tails. H. boettgeri tadpoles are active and can take larger food items such as Daphnia and newly-hatched brine shrimp. They grow quickly, developing rear legs by day 12 and front legs by day 20. Transformation is usually complete at 30-32 days of age, at which point they measure 2 cm in length
2022-07-18 - lillith took them home.
2022-08-15 - one tadpole survived and is a frog now.
2022-09-01 - named "jarred" and moved to Cheryl's tank. (moved from 06 - Fry nook tanks)
2022-05-20 - picked up some electric blue acara juvies from member amber Wilson - posted on band, 6 for 25$.
2022-06-12 - finished QT, moved to waterfall tank for grow-out
2022-09-04 - moved to Cheryl's Oscar tank. (moved from 05 - waterfall paludarium)