Salinity too high. Siphoned out some saltwater and letting topoff lower it down.
View December 7, 2014 20:36
Siphoned out lots of cyano from sandbed and removed empty snail shells to help with the siphoning. Saw a big spaghetti worm in the center when I tried to siphon out his tentacles. Also took the fragile skinny birdsnest and the green birdsnest and pried the ball of epoxy from the base and super glued them to the rock. Also got the various frags of digitata and consolidated them onto one plug and finally attached that plug over above the clowns.
View March 2, 2014 19:00
tank looks like doodoo this evening after taking biopellets totally offline this morning. There is filmy red cyano growing up from the sandbed. Will test levels in the morning.
View February 21, 2014 18:25
Phosphate this morning was down to 0.05ppm, so the GFO is working. I started having some cyano problems on the sand a couple of weeks ago and now can see it on the rocks and glass. It started when I started increasing the light, which the corals like, but which the cyano seems to like too. I have steady 0 nitrate, but steady phosphate problems, so that combined with the cyano is asserted by folks to be caused by biopellets. I took 2/3 of them offline and am trying to run more of the output of the biopellet reactor through my skimmer instead of diverting it to the upper sump in a bypass hose. We'll see if it cures the cyano at all. I'll give it a few weeks.

I also have some aiptasia in the tank. I mixed up some kalk paste and squirted it into the aiptasia as best I could. It kind of went all over the tank, but it should dissolve and raise the kh a bit, I guess.
View February 17, 2014 17:14
Added gfo a few days ago. It had stopped tumbling by today so i upped the flow through it. Phosphate going down slowly.
View January 3, 2014 08:39
Dosing holding alk at 3 meq/l at the moment. Will play with photo cycle of fuge light to try to keep pH stable and nitrate down.
View December 2, 2013 07:58
Added a fuge light over the cheato in my sump. Commercial LED par38 white bulb for recessed light housings inside a clip-on shop light housing. Will connect the d120 grow light up with I get it hung. Running it on a reverse photo cycle from 6pm to 8am.
View September 9, 2013 18:45
Picture of grunge box and other rock. There is a pink crab in there about 2 inches across and also a pistol shrimp, apparently. Also various weird sponges and lots of feather dusters.
View September 3, 2013 07:01
Moved all of the equipment to an upper shelf into a 20L with 17g in it. Converted the center area of sump into a DSB refugium with lots of grunge in a box from RobG (zygote2k on WAMAS).
View September 3, 2013 06:58
Cycle seems to be going well. Ammonia went up after adding some ammonia chloride. Seems to be holding up there, but nitrites and nitrates are now climbing, so it seems to be working.

Still dosing MB7 15ml each morning. Will dose more ammonia chloride if it drops below 1ppm.
View July 27, 2013 20:03