29 gal + 10 gal sump


For Sale


I began keeping a freshwater aquarium in February of 2014. 10 Gallon with 3 neon tetras and a blue dwarf gourami. gravel substrate and all fake plants. I slowly began adding live plants and removing the fake ones. I rather like the more subtle colors of freshwater plants and fish and find their unique shapes and habitats enjoyable. In March of 2015 I upgraded to a 15 gallon tank and switched to a sand substrate which i find more natural and pleasant to the eyes.





11 Fish

2 Albino Aeneus Cory Cat Corydoras aeneus
6 Neon Tetra Paracheirodon Innesi
3 Silver Hatchet Gasteropelecus sternicla

5 Invertebrate

2 Japonica Amano Shrimp Caridina japonica
3 Nerite Snail Nerita sp.

5 Plant

Amazon Sword Echinodorus amazonicus
2 Cryptocoryne Balansae Cryptocoryne crispatula
Marimo Aegagropila linnaei
Micro Sword Lilaeopsis brasiliensis

Dosing See more

FloraPride 5 ml

On average you perform a 12.8% water change every 5 days.

0% total water change in 2024-12-01T03:06:45.283688Z[GMT].

0 activities in the last year

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