Fish had 6 weeks of quarantine... put them back into display.
But within a few days white spot (or velvet...not 100% sure).
So 6 weeks wasn't enough!!!
Now am fallowing display for 72 days.
Fish in quarantine with copper for that time.
April 15, 2017 18:24
Have Marine velvet.
Lost Han Solo (Goby)
Build an extra (home brew) QT tank connected to existing QT, to be able to hold all fish for the fallow period.
Moved all fish to QT, had to pull apart all rock features :-(
February 26, 2017 05:00
Buffer: 50ml raised dkh by 0.5
January 19, 2016 17:06
Ca: 100ml raises by 80
January 19, 2016 17:05