Removed Cardinals to make it easier for the rams
February 3, 2013 20:45
Spawning Conditions:
temp 28 C
nitrate, nitrite, ammonia all 0
pH: 7.2
GH 6
KH 3
February 3, 2013 20:28
The Rams have spawned!! Sometime in the last 24 hours. They chose the far left of the tank and are protecting the eggs from the cardinals well.
February 3, 2013 20:27
Alot of activity between the Rams including them asserting their dominance over the cardinals but no eggs yet
January 31, 2013 07:10
Looks like the rams will either choose the back corner by the heater or the center of the tank under the moss to lay the eggs
January 28, 2013 20:21
Female Ram has started to get a pink/purple stomach. Hopefully that means she will spawn soon.
January 27, 2013 02:26